푸네 한인회 푸네지역 코로나 기부활동 기사(타임즈 오브 인디아) > 자유게시판

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푸네 한인회 푸네지역 코로나 기부활동 기사(타임즈 오브 인디아)

페이지 정보

작성자 임은주 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일20-09-18 16:01 조회13,863회 댓글0건


타임즈 오브 인디아 (2020.7.14)

South Koreans: Pune's South Korean community helps migrant workers and the most vulnerable affected by COVID-19.


At a time of an international crisis, it is humanity that proves that all hardships can be conquered. And that's what the Korean Association Pune, under the guidance of its chairman Hyunsuk Choo has proved to everyone recently.
They donated Rs 10 lakh to the underprivileged people and a Pune-based hospital to help the most vulnerable lot affected by the COVID-19. South Koreans residing in Pune came together to raise funds of total Rs 10.78 lakh- approx (US$ 14,373) between April 25 and May 11, this year to help their fellow citizens in Pune- a city suffering from the rapidly increasing number of COVID-19 diagnoses and deaths. The chairman of Korean Association Pune Hyunsuk Choo and in-charge of the food sharing event Hayeun Yun with NCF (Naga Christian Fellowship) Pune, provided food and bottles of water at the Pune Railway Station on June 2 and June 7 to approximately 2,600 migrant workers returning from Pune to their hometowns.
Chairman Choo said, “We will continue to do our best to deliver food package to the vulnerable people in Pune, who need it more than ever before." In addition to this, they also distributed food from June 5 to 17 to 330 households of low-income families. In particular, food and snacks were also delivered to 110 CSW (commercial sex workers) and their children who are one of the most vulnerable in the crisis. The efforts were much appreciated by the migrant workers and sex workers- who, in return gave lots of smiles and blessings to the Korean people.
On June 16, committee members of Korean Association Pune and director of external affairs of Korean Association Pune- Dr Eunjoo Lim, who is also an in-charge person of hospital donation, met Asimita Kadam Jagtap, executive director of Bharati Hospital, and delivered Rs 5.12 lakh for the treatment of COVID-19. The total amount of this donation will be used to purchase medical devices to treat COVID-19 patients.


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